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Ben Lippen School logos are used for branding Ben Lippen School. These logos are to be used on communication materials (print and digital) when promoting BLS. These logos cannot be altered in any way.


Using the logo consistently will enhance the recognition of BLS by all audiences.

Ben Lippen School


The Crest Online


BLS Seal


Athletic Falcon



Ben Lippen Official Colors

Ben Lippen's official school colors are Green and Gold.


The official formulas for the school colors vary for different applications. Below explains when and why you should use the specific color values.


When printing our official colors, it is best to use the CMYK or Pantone (SPOT) color values. Four-color process printing jobs will use the CMYK color build. Special projects that require an exact color match will use the Pantone (SPOT) color.


Consult with University Communications or your printing vendor about the specific color required for your project. 


When selecting our official colors for web or digital projects, please use the official RGB values or hexadecimal web color (HEX).


Consult with University Communications if you have questions regarding our specific colors for web or digital projects. 

BLS Green

Pantone 349

CMYK: 100, 0, 91, 42

BLS Gold

Pantone 122

CMYK: 0, 17, 80, 0

BLS Green

RGB: 0, 112, 60

HEX: #00703c

BLS Gold

RGB: 255, 210, 79

HEX: #ffd24f

Ben Lippen Fonts

Consistent typography is another way to provide visual unity in all Ben Lippen communications. Below are various fonts that are recommended to use for brand consistency.

Header Fonts

Body Copy Fonts

Neuzeit Grotesk

Neuzeit Grotesk is the header font used on school marketing materials and Download the font family here.

Font Display Template.jpg

Utopia Std

Acumin Pro

Acumin Pro is the body copy font used on school marketing materials and Download the font family here.

Acumin Pro_Font Display.jpg

Minion Pro

Utopia Std is a header font used on school marketing materials. Download the font family here.

Utopia_Font Display.jpg

Minion Pro is a body copy font used on school marketing materials and Download the font family here.

Minion Pro_Font Display.jpg

BLS Logo Fonts

Modern No. 20

Modern No. 20 is the font used on the official logo and seal. Download the font here.


Georgia is the generic logo font used on various school marketing materials and Download the font family here.

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