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Columbia International University's official school colors are Blue and Gold.


The CIU Blue represents our university's unity and commitment to our core values. The CIU Gold represents our diverse community, passion and love for Christ.


The official formulas for the university colors vary for different applications. Below explains when and why you should use the specific color values.


When printing our official colors, it is best to use the CMYK or Pantone (SPOT) color values. Four-color process printing jobs will use the CMYK color build. Special projects that require an exact color match will use the Pantone (SPOT) color.


Consult with University Communications or your printing vendor about the specific color required for your project. 

CIU Blue

Pantone 289

CMYK: 100, 64, 0, 60

CIU Gold

Pantone 122

CMYK: 0, 17, 80, 0


When selecting our official colors for web or digital projects, please use the official RGB values or hexadecimal web color (HEX).


Consult with University Communications if you have questions regarding our specific colors for web or digital projects. 

CIU Blue

RGB: 0, 43, 92

HEX: #002b5c

CIU Gold

RGB: 255, 210, 79

HEX: #ffd24f

CIU Color Palette

While Blue and Gold are our official primary colors for the University, we also have a variety of secondary colors that can be used to compliment our primary colors. Download the color values for all the secondary colors by clicking the image below.

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